Certified access specialist (CASp) are highly recommended for identifying ADA compliance liabilities amongst School Campuses. From public accommodations that do not offer public access for all, to hosting unauthorized disabled signs who do not meet California Handicap Access Requirements. If your Educational Facility does not provide disability access, you could face a penalty of $2,000 per barrier on the property for noncompliance. School ADA Requirements begins with the parking lot, since the parking lot is the first and most frequent spot people visit. School ADA accessibility issues are covered under Title II for all kinds of community development activities, programs, and services offered in the existing facilities of public entities.

School CASp Inspection Services

AVOID A $75,000.00 FINE

Federal law allows for fines of up to $75,000 for the first ADA violation and $150,000 for any additional ADA violations

CASp Inspectors has a team of certified access specialist (CASp) experts who have worked with prominent architects and specialists to study federal statutes and ADA zoning laws applicable to schools under the California Building Code. Our team can help you avoid these unpleasant penalties by providing ADA compliance services tailored to meet your specific needs. Here’s what we will do:

  • Conduct accessibility audits of all facilities and new construction projects within schools including jacuzzis and swimming pools

  • Provide the services needed to resolve disability access issues in existing buildings

  • Make designs and work with architects to fulfill ADA regulations

  • Train school staff members to comply with accessibility laws

  • Conduct an early evaluation conference with school authorities and property owners to come up with the best custom design and management solutions that meet federal accessibility standards

  • Develop policies and guidelines connected with the federal civil rights law

  • Arrange training sessions by certified access specialists for schools, visitors, and employees




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Most Common Areas For ADA Liability with Schools

ada inspector reviewing school handicap ramp


For a school building to be considered ADA compliant, disability access must be provided along at least one route that people with mobility disabilities can use. This level of accessibility should apply to all entrances, exits, and any areas that might become part of the space such as playgrounds or grassy areas.

repaving school parking lot with handicap parking stenciling


Every sixth parking space and any fraction of that must be reserved for handicapped or disabled persons. According to federal laws, this includes spaces for those who drive, walk, roll, and otherwise may need to park elsewhere than the rest of the world! The state architect recommends that these spots be more conveniently located as they are usually right near the entrances of buildings. Federal guidelines also specify that all parking must be properly paved and accessible. Spaces added after January 1, 2005, must connect to the shortest possible accessible route to the accessible building entrance or facility they serve.

playground ada inspection services 1


In 2000, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board issued voluntary guidelines for many play areas to serve as the basis for standards adopted by the Department of Justice for new construction and alterations. These guidelines were adopted into law in 2010 to ensure compliance. As of March 15, 2011, all play areas had to comply with this disability act guidelines. The same guidelines that applied to an accessible route also applied to a playground, which means that an accessible route must be available from the bus drop-off area and egress doors to the playground areas for equal access to children with disabilities. Cuts that are normally applied in sidewalk constructions are to be applied to playgrounds that have an edged border or are contained by a concrete border to avoid denied access.

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If your building has a pool in your school with a pool wall extending to at least 300 feet, it must be accessible to someone who uses a wheelchair. This means that you'll need to give them an access route into the water. The two most common options are a fixed pool lift OR a graded ramp leading down into the pool. If your pool is shallow enough, you can use steps instead of a lift or ramp, as long as they have handrails installed on both sides. Basically, if you have a sign at the entrance of your pool that says "entrance" and it has a slope in front of it, then build a ramp.

business center handicap inspection

School Computer Lab CASp Services

We'll review your school computer lab for ADA Compliance issues. From the entryway to the lab, to the desk height, type of computer, software and more. There are many barriers for the handicap who are using computers and similar technical devices.

school nursing room ada inspection 1

School Nursing Office ADA Consultations

As with all medical facilities, if the school medical and nursing offices must be accessible for all. From the doorway to the nursing office, to the height of the bed within the office, local bathroom, and more - we'll review your school property for all ADA compliance issues.

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Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires schools to remove physical barriers to achieve accessibility for the disabled on their site. Physical barriers that impede immediate access to facilities may vary from school to school. The State of California recognizes that these establishments do need time to remove them and has determined an adjustment period in which schools have time to adjust their policies and practices in order to accommodate individuals seeking equal opportunities. Temporary removal needs when a school goes under construction are also determined.


Schools must take into consideration the following factors to find out which of their pools must be made accessible:

  • Come up with swimming programs that can be integrated into varied settings
  • Allow individuals, families, and youth groups to participate in these programs in many ways
  • Create pools to accommodate different constituencies like children's swimming lessons, high school swimming competitions, family swims, and senior citizen exercise classes
  • To what extent are the pool's accessible routes effective
  • How dispersed are these accessible pools and whether it's convenient to reach them (e.g. pools in different sections of the school complex accessible by mass transportation)

The Department of Justice issued new regulations in January 2012, which changed how swimming pools should be designed under Title III of the ADA. According to the new regulations, swimming pools, wading pools, and spas like those found at recreation centers of schools need to have a certain number of accessible features, including a ramp that has been integrated into the design.

Contact our Certified Access Specialist (CASp) to review your school water features and see whether they have ADA issues.

Under Title II of the ADA, people with autism are protected against discrimination in education. It is illegal to see autism as an obstacle to educational opening. Under a reasonable accommodations agreement between yourself and your student, they can provide you with what they need to be successful in your class under certain conditions. This includes using specific instructional strategies that will allow the person with ADHD or Autism to participate in your class fully.

As the school administration or property owner creates or maintains new construction or apartment complexes, you are required to have appropriate features and accommodations so that students and members of the public with disabilities who wish to access your facilities can do so. For example, if you had a lap pool, you would need to make sure it meets current ADA standards by providing appropriate features such as ramps, as well as accessibility. If, however, the facility provides instructional swimming lessons to the general public on a regular school day with 15 or more participants taught by a certified instructor, and the pool has less than 300 linear feet of swimming pool walls, then additional requirements would apply.

A CASp inspection report includes details on areas where the school may be non-compliant but goes over what needs to happen in order to bring the particular operation back into compliance. An action plan is also included to outline the progress of required upgrades and necessary accessibility improvements along with a schedule for when things will be completed.

The short answer is no. There is no law in California that requires the school administration to hire a CASp (Certified Access Specialist Professional). A CASp is not integral to anyone's compliance with the ADA or California law. However, it's important to note that a certified access specialist will be able to ascertain whether or not your commercial property is capable of accommodating an individual that may have a disability.

A Certificate of Accredited Sustainable Practices is third-party certification done by a professional certified access specialist that provides legal benefits regarding corporate and financial responsibility in case there's a construction-related accessibility lawsuit against the school. The average cost is about $2,000 to produce a school CASp inspection report. This expense is eligible for IRS credit/deductions as well as some loan types and tax incentives.

Having a swimming pool at school can be fun for your students. To avoid instances of drowning and other such accidents from happening at the pool or spa, make sure that you have clearly visible safety signs in place with 4-inch letters at the minimum which will serve as warnings to your guests or anyone who may want to use the pool – indoor or outdoor.

  • Set up precaution signs at every spa in the school indicating that:
  • Students and guardians suffering from medical conditions must consult their physicians to gain entry into the spa.
  • Those under the influence of narcotics or drugs must avoid hot water immersion to avoid serious medical conditions.
  • Exposures for extended periods of time may cause fainting spells, dizziness, or nausea.
  • Guardians must be present when children visit the spa.
  • Spa facilities are not intended for single use.
All swimming pools must have a sign on the wall clearly stating that individuals with active diarrhea and those who have had diarrhea within the last 14 days are not allowed to enter. The letters of this sign must be at least 1 inch or 25 mm in height. The sign must be written clearly, without words or symbols that can be misunderstood by your school's intended target audience.
Legal obligations under Title II went into effect on January 2, 2012. These rules affect every pool and spa in California in addition to water features open to the general public. All school pools as well as spas -- and even water features -- must monitor and keep a record of each instance of chlorine residuals, which is referred to by the EPA and other bodies as "free" chlorine. Guidelines indicate that the minimum level for free chlorine must be at least 1.0 ppm at all times when it comes to using cyanuric acid with bromine-based chemicals, otherwise going to 2.0 ppm when stabilized chemicals are used.
Yes, pool signs must be posted for all publicly-accessible pools and spas at school, showing the maximum number of people allowed into the pool at the same time. Special accommodations have been made for wheelchair users so that they may occupy at least 10 square feet of the pool water surface area, compared to 8 square feet by other visitors to the pool. Other pools must allow each user 20 square feet, again compared to an original standard of 18 square feet prior to these regulations being instituted.
  • Switch Sign
  • Emergency Signs
  • Spa Emergency Shut-Off
  • No Lifeguard Signs
  • No Diving Signs
  • Artificial Respiration And CPR Sign
  • Keep Closed Signs

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires schools to remove physical barriers to achieve accessibility for the disabled on their site. Physical barriers that impede immediate access to facilities may vary from school to school. The State of California recognizes that these establishments do need time to remove them and has determined an adjustment period in which schools have time to adjust their policies and practices in order to accommodate individuals seeking equal opportunities. Temporary removal needs when a school goes under construction are also determined.

For instance, a school may require to install a fixed pool lift to remove physical barriers at an existing swimming pool. Other options can be considered like making provision for a portable pool lift when a fixed pool lift cannot be installed. The CASP inspection performed also contains the ADA updated text that helps remove any confusion surrounding these regulations leading to ADA lawsuits. The eventual goal is to ensure safe operations at the pool with approved safety solutions.

Schools are continually looking to improve accessibility standards on their facilities, and this is an important step that prohibits discrimination and removes any existing barriers that may prevent or limit individuals with disabilities from accessing these services. When implemented, the school administration has to review the status of these programs on a continuous basis as part of a larger commitment to ensuring that they are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

  • To determine the extent of achievable accessibility at their pools, schools must take into consideration the following:
  • Number of hours, nature of the job, and cost involved in removing physical barriers
  • Resources already existing at the spa or swimming pool
  • Resources like a rental agreement available with the school board to achieve accessibility at a school
  • How far away is the school board from the pool site
  • The number of operations the school board has already done must be taken into consideration

Our team of risk management, ADA compliance, and pool safety experts at CASp Inspectors can provide an excellent service and collaborate with the school-appointed operations team or the school administration to achieve and maintain accessibility norms under the Los Angeles ADA Department set aside for spas, swimming pools, and wading pools.

Sloped entries at the school's swimming pool facilities are required to meet the standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act Zero Grade Ramp, which means that the maximum slope allowed is 1:12. However, many disabled people use wheelchairs and other mobility devices on sand or in water because it gives them better access to a swimming area, as well as allows for attendants to enter and exit easier when needed. Therefore, anyone with a disability who wishes to take part in recreational or competitive swimming should be granted access to fully participate so long as they understand the risks they are taking under such conditions, should they rely on battery power in their devices.

ADDITIONAL ADA Consultation Services

We have an expert team that can help a school to develop custom and bespoke cafeteria floorplans that meet ADA compliance. We are specialized in school design and building codes, and are eager to work with you to create a property that would be perfect for your students. We’ll provide you with architect drawings for your construction project. Also, we’ll offer expert advice and planning so that your dining areas will not only meet current ADA laws but also help protect you against any future compliance risk.


The CASp-certified report covers all organizations at a public level as places of public accommodation. This includes private elementary and secondary schools and commercial buildings in Costa Mesa and other places in Orange County. In other words, those with disabilities or any type of ailment must be able to physically access the school.


Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that guarantees that people who are disabled are free to participate in activities that the non-disabled take for granted such as enjoying meals at restaurants.

School Parking Lot CASP Inspection

If there’s a parking lot at school, those facilities must be accessible to the disabled, and have zero barriers. We offer ADA Inspection for School Parking lots as well as striping and resurfacing.


Our CASp inspectors will ensure shops in malls meet accessibility requirements, irrespective of where the shop is located within the mall.


Gas stations must be ADA compliant as well. We’ll make sure bathrooms, parking lots, and other public areas are accessible to all.


School restroom ADA Inspection requirements for school gyms and playgrounds, auditoriums, and more. 

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