ADA Violations To Avoid: Examples, Lawsuits, Fines, and Non-Compliance Consequences

Prevent Common ADA Violations

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Key Takeaways

  • Understanding and adhering to ADA regulations is crucial for businesses to avoid costly legal issues and reputational damage.
  • Creating an accessible environment for individuals with disabilities is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation.
  • Regular accessibility assessments are essential to identify and rectify ADA violations before they become serious problems.
  • Proactive steps, such as staff training and implementing inclusive practices, can significantly enhance accessibility and customer satisfaction.
  • Seeking expert guidance from ADA compliance professionals can ensure full compliance and mitigate risks.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discriminatory practices against people with disabilities across a broad spectrum of public life.

These guidelines are essential to creating inclusive environments for all patrons.

This blog post will focus on avoiding common ADA violations related to physical accessibility within your business. We’ll break down the most frequent issues CASp Inspectors encounter during assessments, along with clear explanations and actionable steps to achieve compliance.

Common ADA Violations: A Breakdown

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ADA regulations mandate that businesses implement measures to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

This fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment. Here’s a closer look at some of the most frequent ADA violations CASp Inspectors encounter, categorized by area:

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How To Perfect Your ADA Parking And Signage Requirements

Parking and signage are integral components of accessible parking spaces.

Proper design and clear communication are essential for individuals with disabilities to navigate and utilize these designated areas safely and independently.

  • Violation: Accessible parking spaces with pavement slopes exceeding 2% create a barrier for wheelchair users.
  • Solution: Ensure accessible parking spaces and adjacent access aisles maintain slopes no greater than 2.08% (1:48) in all directions.
  • Violation: Missing or non-compliant signage for accessible parking spaces can be a red flag for further accessibility issues within the building.

Solution: Accessible parking spaces with the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) and any required designations (e.g., “van accessible”). Ensure signage adheres to size and height regulations specific to your state or locality.

Ensuring Your Curb Ramps Meet ADA Standards

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Curb ramps are essential for wheelchair users to safely navigate sidewalks and enter buildings.

Proper design and construction of curb ramps are crucial to ensure accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments.

  • Violation: Slopes of curb ramps exceeding the maximum allowable 1:12 (8.33%) create difficulty for wheelchair users.
  • Solution: Maintain compliant curb ramp slopes and ensure level top landings where wheelchair users need to turn.
  • Violation: Failing to provide a curb ramp at an accessible route’s curb crossing prevents access to the facility entrance.

Solution: Install compliant curb ramps at accessible routes crossing a curb.

Navigating ADA Compliance For Doors And Doorways

Doors and doorways are essential access points for buildings.

Proper design and installation are crucial to ensure that they are usable by everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

  • Violation: Uneven maneuvering clearance areas around doorways hinder wheelchair access.
  • Solution: Maintain a maximum 2.08% slope within the maneuvering clearance areas on both sides of doorways.
  • Violation: Excessive force required to open and close doors creates difficulties for individuals with limited mobility.

Solution: Ensure doors open and close with a maximum pressure of 5 pounds.

Creating ADA-Compliant Sidewalks

Sidewalks are essential pedestrian pathways. Proper design and maintenance are crucial to ensure safe and accessible routes for individuals with disabilities.

  • Violation: Sidewalks with slopes exceeding 1:20 (5%) present challenges for individuals with mobility limitations.

Solution: Maintain compliant sidewalk slopes, both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Designing Accessible Routes For All

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Accessible routes are essential for individuals with disabilities to navigate public spaces independently.

Clear, unobstructed pathways are crucial for safe and convenient mobility.

  • Violation: Accessible routes with insufficient width, height, or protruding objects obstruct access for people with disabilities.

Solution: Ensure accessible routes are clear of obstructions, maintain the required width and height, and adhere to regulations regarding protruding objects.

ADA Compliance In Restrooms, Locker Rooms And Dressing Rooms

Restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms are essential facilities in many public and commercial buildings.

ADA compliance ensures that these spaces are accessible and usable for individuals with disabilities.

  • Violation: These spaces often have accessibility issues due to numerous regulated elements.

Solution: Comply with specific ADA regulations regarding dimensions, clearances, and accessibility features within restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.


Conduct regular accessibility audits and user testing with individuals who have disabilities to identify and address potential ADA violations proactively, ensuring your business stays compliant and avoids costly legal issues.

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Emily Johnson

Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Inspector

Proactive Steps To Achieve Compliance

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Proactive steps are essential to ensure ongoing ADA compliance.

Effective strategies can help businesses maintain accessible environments and avoid potential legal issues.

  • Stay Informed: Regularly review updated ADA regulations and their applications to your business type.
  • Accessibility Assessments: Schedule regular assessments by a qualified professional who can identify and address potential violations.
  • Clear Communication: Train staff on ADA regulations and best practices for interacting with customers with disabilities.

By being proactive and prioritizing accessibility, your business can create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

Remember: This blog post provides a general overview of common ADA violations. Specific regulations and their application may vary based on state and local laws. We recommend consulting with our qualified ADA compliance professional to ensure your business fully meets all relevant accessibility standards.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the concequences of ADA violations?

Failing to comply with ADA regulations can result in fines, lawsuits, and negative publicity.

Yes, the ADA can apply to website accessibility. Specific regulations are still being developed, but it’s best practice to make your website accessible to people with disabilities.

There are several ways to improve website accessibility, such as providing alt text for images, using clear and concise language, and ensuring keyboard navigation functionality.

The frequency of ADA compliance assessments depends on factors such as your business size, industry, and the complexity of your facility. It’s generally recommended to conduct assessments before opening a new facility, periodically for existing facilities, and after major renovations or expansions.

While there are some exemptions under the ADA, they are limited and should be carefully considered. It’s essential to consult with an ADA compliance professional to determine if your business qualifies for any exemptions.

While both laws aim to improve accessibility, they apply to different areas:

  • ADA: Focuses on accessibility for individuals with disabilities in physical spaces and public accommodations.
  • Section 508: Applies to electronic and information technology used by the federal government.

While Section 508 is primarily for government agencies, its standards can be a useful reference for businesses aiming for accessible websites and digital content.

An ADA Transition Plan outlines the steps your business will take to remove barriers to accessibility. It is often required for existing facilities built before the ADA became law. The plan should prioritize accessibility improvements based on cost, feasibility, and the impact on individuals with disabilities.

By understanding these key points and taking proactive steps to address ADA compliance, your business can create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all customers.

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Written by Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson is a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Inspector and is passionate about making spaces accessible for all. With over 10 years of experience and degrees in Civil Engineering and Architecture, she inspires others while championing ADA awareness.



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